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API Concept

XUND API is aimed to gather information from the anonym patient and generate symptom check or illness check report results based on the available data which is a mixture of user-provided data, and XUND’s medical database.

Concept Overview

The API uses questions to get information from the patients. A question can be answered in multiple ways depending on its type:

  • Enter a text that needs to match a regex (e.g. birth year)

  • Select one item from the pre-defined answer list

  • Select one item from the pre-defined answer list and get the question again to see new answer options

Some ‘questions’ are not literally questions, but information about the check’s state. In these cases the check flow can move on in different ways depending on the question’s type:

  • Skipping them

  • Confirming the related function

Check types

XUND API supports 2 types of checks. The check type determines the aim of the check.

Symptom check

When the patient experiences a bothering symptom (such as abdominal pain), a symptom check should be started. This type focuses on the symptoms and generates report based on them.

Illness check

When the patient assumes that he/she has a certain illness and would like to check whether the assumption can be correct or not, an illness check should be started. This type focuses on the illness-to-check and gathers all information that might be relevant for the selected disease.

Check initialization

All checks need to be initiated with a dedicated endpoint. There are dedicated endpoints for both check types.

As the result of a successful check initialization, the API sends a check id as a response.

Check Id

This unique identifier must be used to get questions & send answers. It identifies the patient’s session and can be used to get all available information about it. As XUND does not identify the patients, it’s an optional possibility for the clients to store these identifiers and link them somehow to user profiles.

As XUND has no effect on how clients manage their data storage, it's entirely the client’s responsibility to keep this information safe.

Question-Answer flow

Once a check has been successfully started, the client can get the first question with the dedicated endpoint. To move on the question needs to be answered. The question-answer loop continues until the first question with the FUNCTION type. Here the related function needs to be confirmed to move on.


This function is aimed to give the patients a comprehensive overview of the symptoms they added. It’s important that client apps show the added symptoms for the users to make sure the API works with the correct information.

All Overview-related features can be found here.


This function is aimed to give the patients the result of their check. The report is accessible in multiple formats such as FHIR, and PDF.

All Report-related features can be found here.

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